Community Guidelines and Forum Rules:
The Night Spasm Forum is a place where fans can have discussions with each other, upload custom content to be featured in the game, and share other forms of Night Spasm content such as art, stories, music, memes, fan projects, contests, games, and so much more!
Please read the rules before making content (posts and comments) in the Night Spasm Forum. Failing to follow the community rules may result in your posts and comments being deleted.
1. Keep the content relevant.
While this is an obvious rule, please keep all content related to Night Spasm and its developers. If a post is not relevant to Night Spasm in any way, shape, or form, it will be removed.
2. Use the forum categories appropriately and use the custom content submission categories seriously.
Please place your posts in the proper forum categories. This is especially important when uploading custom content, as it will increase your chances of being recognized by the team. If you are unsure what category your post falls under, it's recommended to use the General Discussion or Uncategorized/Random categories. It never hurts to ask a fellow forum member either.
If a post does not fit in its proper category, it will be manually moved to the relevant category. Frequently making posts to the wrong categories may result in a temporary suspension, especially if done intentionally.
Please use the custom content submission categories seriously, as these categories are designed for creators looking to get their work and ideas into the game.
3. Be civil and reasonable in your discussions.
Night Spasm can be considered a very controversial and opinion-based game, so debates and arguments are expected around here. There's no harm in taking a stance for what you believe in or disagreeing with someone else's viewpoints, but there's a fine line between passionately expressing yourself and being genuinely toxic. Genuinely toxic behaviors such as harassment, threats, discrimination, downvote targeting, and other similar acts will not be tolerated.
4. Do not spam, duplicate, or repost content.
Please do not post something you or someone else has already posted to the forum before. This includes content with slight or meaningless alterations. If you want to repost something you've already posted, you must delete your original version of the post first or explain why you've reposted (only under special circumstances will an explanation be justified). When posting something, make sure nobody else has posted the same thing. This keeps the forum content fresh and stops certain categories from being flooded with single, over-rated topics or trends.
If you post something created by someone else, you must credit them, even if they are not a part of the forums. Please credit the original creator if your post involves modified content as well.
5. Scams, bots, and the use of alt accounts for community control will not be tolerated.
We take our security very seriously. Please report any suspicious behavior to us so that we may deal with it ASAP. Using bots and/or alt accounts to support your own posts or hurt other posts will result in an immediate ban.
6. Satire humor is acceptable, but to a certain extent.
Night Spasm has a fairly satire (and sometimes even unhinged) sense of humor, so making comments or posting memes of similar caliber is fine, but be careful what you post. Someone taking offense over your joke is out of your control and usually not your problem either, but always carefully consider your audience when making a joke. For example, making a satirical comment in a public discussion of people having a wholesome conversation is considered as "causing an annoyance". Doing such things will not only hurt your community reputation, but your comment may be considered "toxic" and therefore removed. It is recommended to keep satire or likely offensive jokes in the meme categories.
7. No NSFW content, and refrain from sexual themes.
Night Spasm isn't exactly a game for all ages, but the Night Spasm community is made up of a younger audience, meaning NSFW content is not allowed (even if specified as NSFW in your post's title). Posting censored versions of NSFW content or posting external links to NSFW content still goes against this rule, especially when it comes to art, literature, and memes. Basically, if someone under 12 years old shouldn't see it, don't post it.
Suggestive content, such as romantic topics or shipping, is usually accepted but not recommended. If the amount of suggestive/romantic content on the forums gets overwhelming or turns into an unhealthily obsessive topic, we may take action against it for the sake of keeping the community and its forums on track.
These are rules that apply to every custom content category, also known as "submission categories". The general forum and website rules listed above still apply to submission categories.
"Custom content" is anything eligible for official use in Night Spasm such as music, character sprites, animation sheets, sound effects, code, and even conceptual ideas (dialog, timeline ideas, character interactions, etc.).
Posting your custom content into the proper submission category is the best way to get your content officially into Night Spasm! By posting your custom content to a submission category, so long as your post and content follow the rules below, you're contributing to Night Spasm's story for all players to see! Not following the rules below may deem your submission as ineligible, so please read the rules before posting. If your submission is deemed ineligible, you can always edit your post for re-review, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about custom content.
For more information about our custom content policy and how we use fan content for official use, click here.
1. It must be your own work.
Custom content submissions must be your own work, even if you are given permission by the original creator to distribute their content into a submission category. Providing definitive proof is highly recommended, as it will make the review process much quicker and more favorable towards your chances.
If your custom content is a modification of someone else's custom content, you must credit them. If you are unsure who the original creator is, include the source of where you found the original creation (like a link).
Plagiarism will result in an immediate ban from the forums and most likely a suspension of your account, or possibly a deletion of your account in extreme cases! Claiming something was made by you or belongs to you when it truthfully does not is considered plagiarism, which can lead to a legal offense by the original creator.
2. Content must be original and unrelated to anything other than Night Spasm.
For example, you can't just submit a sprite or character concept of a character who is clearly made to look or act like another character from something else entirely. Of course, if a submission is directly inspired by something, so long as there are no iconic features or elements involved, then it may be eligible.
3. You must provide credit.
Please provide a title so we may properly credit you in-game. Either your real first and last name or a cover name will work. If anyone else was involved in the development of your submission, you must credit them under a valid name. Please list each contributor's role in the development process as well.