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Night Spasm version | The Navigation Update

Writer's picture: mastermoesmastermoes

This is by far the biggest update to Night Spasm since its initial beta release, and we're proud to say most of the new features and fixes were collectively requested by the community, including many game critiques who published reviews of Night Spasm on our store page or on their own website!

The Navigation Update, as the name implies, makes traversing Region A1 much easier by adding a brand-new world map, which you can collect lying on the ground of your base. When opened, the world map shows your exact location and lists key areas of particular interest. The area seen by your map depends on your current location, meaning the data of your map expands as you travel beyond the starting point of Region A1. There are also plenty of new pathways and signs to give you an idea of where to go next!

As you can see in the patch notes below, this update features a lot of heavy additions and changes to the core aspects of the game, such as a new selling system and a new type of mysterious pillar. However, the BIGGEST addition is the new dialog variations from colony members, side story characters, and even basic NPCs (such as recurring enemies or villagers). As of this update, there are now hundreds of NEW possible conversations you can have with characters based on your progression of the main storyline, the side stories you've started/completed, and the colony members in your party!

Here are the patch notes:


-Added a map for Region A1. Found lying on the ground of the base, you can now press the left CTRL key (or the -/SELECT button for most controllers) to open up a map. The map shows a different portion of the region you’re in depending on your current location. The map also shows your exact location with an arrow and shows the names of key locations. Although the map is missing some geographical data, it will help you memorize the whereabouts of Region A1 [feature inspired by UnitedCritics’s request through Steam]!

-You can now sell items to certain shopkeepers! So long as they’re selling the item to you, you can sell the item to them at a lower rate than what they’re offering. Different shopkeepers buy your items for different values.

-Added a new type of mysterious pillar: rift pillars. Rift pillars, for a large sum of ckoins, can open up portals in convenient locations which lead you to other convenient locations. Rift pillars can also exchange the LVL of a character to permanently increase the stats of the chosen character!

-Added many new roads and road signs that direct you towards key locations. Some signs even give you survival advice or remind you of important game mechanics!

-Completely reworked the bed system. For no cost at all, you can now sleep until day, night, or a random time. Using melatonin lets you choose the time you wake up and also recovers the SP of every leader. Bed styles and colors are now completely decorative as well [feature inspired by UnitedCritics’s request through Steam].

-Reworked the beginning cutscene, replacing the temporary narrator with a conversation between Theodore and MOG.

-Changed the game over menu. Getting a game over now allows you to either go back to your most recent timestamp or go back to the title screen. If you die in a battle (excluding surprise encounters), you have the option to go back to the starting point of the battle. Because of this new feature, we’ve removed the jhehm revival feature, which was originally implemented as a way of restarting a battle without having to go back to a timestamp and listen to any pre-battle conversations involved. The jhehm revival feature, as well as its special inflictions, will return as a special ability in the future (likely as a special skill).

-NPCs can now walk diagonally, just like the player can.

-Throwing spikes are no longer a default part of the crafting menu.

-Crafting equipment no longer gives COMP versions of the equipment, but instead gives you the actual equipment. Due to this change, for now, crafting equipment no longer provides any EXP.

-Removed crafting tools from the game, meaning crafting recipes no longer require tools to make.

-The coordinates menu, which now requires the A key/X button to be held down to activate, can now only be opened in Region A1 and Dark Region A1. Additionally, the quick-cords feature can now only be used in Region A1.

-Skipping a party member’s turn now prevents them from performing counterattacks until the next turn.

-Changed the way databooks are purchased from Ingene.

-Rearranged the prizes of the bonus room.

-Added the system settings menu to the Title Screen via the “options” button [requested by UnitedCritics through Steam].

-Made many hitboxes and tileset fixes around Region A1 and its locations [fix requested by UnitedCritics through Steam].

-Recently collected items will no longer appear in the item collection window after a new batch of items has been collected. Additionally, the full names of items now appear in the item collection window [fix requested by UnitedCritics through Steam].

-Reduced the default volume of the Title Screen music [requested by UnitedCritics through Steam].

-Fixed some glitches within certain puzzle pillars [fix requested by UnitedCritics through Steam].

We've practically added everything we've wanted to add since Chapter 1's initial release, which is a big milestone for our team! Because of this, version might be the last update for Chapter 1 until Chapter 2 releases. Of course, we'll still keep an eye out for bug fixes and community requests, but should there be any more updates to Chapter 1, they may not be super significant updates. The next significant update to Chapter 1 will come alongside Chapter 2's release, and after that point, any big updates (mainly bug fixes and fan-requested content) to Night Spasm will be focused on Chapter 2's content.

Recent news:

We have a website now!

If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to visit our website ( to read blog posts, subscribe to our newsletter, and learn more about Chapter 2! You can even contribute to the project to earn special rewards!

Chapter 1's soundtrack is now available on YouTube and for download!

We recently published the entire Chapter 1 soundtrack on YouTube. You can find the playlist here.

If you want to download Chapter 1's soundtrack as .WAV files for use in YouTube videos, click here.

All songs are eligible for content creation purposes, meaning you won't get copyrighted when using Night Spasm music in your YouTube videos!

Please consider following the Night Spasm Steam Community page and our other forms of social media. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading!



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