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Support the game, get a gift in return!

Help us raise a bigger budget for Night Spasm and get various gifts in return! All donations go straight to the game's development!

Night Spasm Merry
Night Spasm Jeremy

NOTE: You may need to provide a Discord username and/or a mailing address to receive certain rewards. See the rewards page below for more details. 

List of Rewards:

As a thank you for contributing to the project, we send you something in return! The more you donate, the more you get!

Below are all the rewards for each donation tier:

(All tiers include the prior rewards of lower tiers.
Learn more about rewards at the bottom of the page)

$1 or more: Receive the "Colony Supporter" role for the Night Spasm Discord server.

Earn a special role for the Night Spasm Discord server! Show fans that you helped make Night Spasm special and gain additional priorities for future events!
$5 or more: Name in the credits.

Put your name in the credits! Players can see your name on the title screen and at the end of each chapter!

$15 or more: Receive a copy of Chapter 2 on release day (limited-time reward).
Earn an access code for Chapter 2 on release day. This reward gives you the game at a $5 discount (Chapter 2 will be sold at a $20 retail price).
$20 or more:
Easter egg of your choice featured in-game.
Add an Easter egg of your choice to Chapter 2, whether it's a reference from another series or an inside joke only your friends would understand!
Top 5 donors
 (by the end of Chapter 2's initial release): Create your own custom item, weapon, or armor piece for Chapter 2.
Add one of three items for players to collect throughout the game! Decide your item's name, function, and lore! Players can find your item through victory chests, specific shopkeepers, and/or by completing a specific task. How players collect the items and whether or not it's possible to get more than one is up to you!

Top 3 donors (by the end of Chapter 2's initial release): Create your own Night Spasm side character with a custom design, custom dialog, a custom backstory, and a new timeline alteration.

Work with the Night Spasm crew to design an original character that's truly your own! Give your character a name, a design, a backstory, and a special purpose for players to experience. Make them a part of the main storyline or create a side story of your own, letting players choose to befriend or kill your special character...

If your custom character becomes popular throughout the community, we may even give your character a grander purpose, should you desire. Additionally, if you have musical talent and/or pixel art skills, you can customize your character's resources yourself! Otherwise, we'll do what it takes to make your dream character a reality!
Top 2 donors (by the end of Chapter 2's initial release): Create your own secret boss fight with your choice of lore, attacks, music, and more

Work with the Night Spasm crew to design a top-secret boss fight for players to discover! Determine their lore, attacks, motivations, species, timeline alterations, and more! The same rules for the custom character reward apply to this reward as well.

The boss fight character does not count as the custom character you receive from the $200 tier, meaning you get to add two new characters to the game!
Top Donator (by the end of Chapter 2's initial release): Create your own secret route for other players to experience, featuring your own storyline, character arcs, and battles that will branch out from the main storyline

Create a timeline that's truly yours. Branch out of the main storyline and create an alternative path for players to take, straying as far away from the main route as you desire. Compose new ways to kill or save characters, give players new choices to choose from, and create a route featuring your own secret boss and custom characters! For once, you can TRULY make your own choices for other players to enjoy... or suffer through...

How to redeem rewards:

Once we've received your donation, both an automatic "thank you" email and a reward email will be sent to the email address connected to your PayPal account. The reward email will contain all of your virtual rewards and some additional instructions.

You must join the Night Spasm Discord server to
 earn the "Conoly Supporter" role and to discuss custom content rewards with the Night Spasm crew. All custom content conversations take place in the Discord server through a temporary private text channel. In order to receive physical rewards, a shipping address is required (which should automatically autofill upon confirming your donation).

For more advanced information about rewards, click on the tabs below:

Shipment of physical rewards:

At the moment, we can only ship physical rewards to The United States, handled by our wonderful merch providers! There's no need to worry about shipment fees either; We've got you covered!

How we produce our merch:

All of our physical products are developed and shipped by independent, trustworthy businesses that seek to pursue their dreams as we do. We believe it's important to support smaller, passionate businesses by utilizing their capable, dream-driven services. When you support Night Spasm, you're supporting independent workers too!


Nothing is better than a product made from the heart!

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